GPS would not Boot - MEDION E3115

  • Hello !
    I have a Medion E3115 GPS with Windows CE 5.
    It simply does not boot - It stays to the red Medion GoPal Start screen .
    Things i-ve tried so far -
    Putting the GoPal instalation Files to the SD Card - but the CleanUp Menu doesen't work , so this had no effect.
    Doing a Hard-Reset - the GPS restarts - Screen closes and then Again the Red screen
    Connecting the GPS to the computer comes up with Unknown Device - but maybe this is because i use Windows Vista - i will try connecting it to a XP Machine later .
    I have also heard something about a BOOTABLE SD CARD - can anyone here provide me with the files for this , if it exists?
    I am sorry for posting this in English , my Deutsch is very bad - as i am not from Germany , but the GPS is bought for this country - and this is the only forum that seems to be treating MEDION GPS devices some atention .
    So , i would be grateful if anybody could help me .
    I also tried reading some of the Wiki with google translate - very nice thing you've been doing here.
    Thanks !

  • Hi and welcome here on bord!

    1. On Vista-OS try the latest WMDC Version 6.1, the onboard version is too old and the PNA won't be recognized
    2. if you aren't able to start the Cleanup-Menu it might be helpful to calibrate your display. To force that action you can delete \MFD\config.sys via AS
    3. a complete setup (-> GoPal-Wiki, but it's in german ;) ) might help, delete all the files in \MFD (this might force the setup as well)

    Posting in English is ok, it's mostly better understandable than a babelfish translation ;)

  • I have installed WMDC 6.1 - Still the gps doesen't get recognised / Unknown Device - i'l try on XP later.
    So if i enter the File System i'll try the things you mentioned.

  • OK, did you connect your PNA directly (not via a HUB) to an USB-Connector?

  • At first i connected it to the USB in my keyboard(1port hub) .
    Now i connected it directly to the USB port , it appeared Driver for Unknown Device installed . But nothing in WMDC , no detection in GoPal Assistant .
    I supposed the touchscreen was miscalibrated and i tapped in all the places around the O from GoPal - no result .
    I have attached a picture - maybe it sorts some things out .
    The first one is how the GPS starts - this screen never changes , it just freezes like this .
    Second - test menu
    It fails the GPS test - i think this happens because there is no software and the LED TEST ( the led doesen't flash - but i can click PASS anyway) . Also the UART TEST - it says Change Switch to continue test / what switch should i change? (this is the TMC test - it says Rx/TX OPEN for both test and second test)
    [Blockierte Grafik:]

  • Sorry, I don't have your type of PNA, only the red menu is known to me. But I think some other guys here are familiar with a E3115 and will help you, so be patient. ;)

  • Hello sh0ck3d and welcome on bord

    i had bad news for you. It seems like the GPS receiver is broken that means the test. Sorry we dont have a ROM file for your satnav.
    You have to send it in for repair.

    Gruß Navirunner

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  • Monika

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